Tuesday 25 April 2017

The Work of His Hands

When Michaelangelo was commissioned by the board of Florence Cathedral during the Renaissance period, he was only 26 years old.  While he was already famous at that time, Michaelangelo accepted the challenge and work on this enormous task for two years.  Historians say that he kept the sculpture away from the public eye and when the day finally arrives, he unveiled it among the Opera Board which consists of famous artists like Leonardo da Vinci.  As he pulled the string, the veil falls to the ground, and the sculpture is revealed to the public in all of its glory for the first time.

The statue of David is a 14-feet white marble statue and is considered one of the best masterpiece produced during the Renaissance period.

If this unveiling moment is going to be captured in writing by one of the New Testament authors like John or Luke, the word that they would have used for it is the Greek word “apocalypse.”    We’re used to hearing that word in the titles of films like Apocalypse Now, and we forget what it means in the original language. In the English translations of the New Testament, the word ‘apocalypse’ is usually translated as ‘revelation’ which pertains to something that was hidden from us before and has now been revealed. An apocalypse is a revelation of God to us just like an master sculptor revealing the glory of his masterpiece for the first time. 

As most of you know, God has blessed my family with a wonderful time of vacation with our road trip from Vancouver to Sacramento and San Jose, California.  It was a 16-hour drive with about 3,500 kilometers, several full tanks, hotel check-ins and burgers from In N Out.  But it´s all worth it and we thank the Lord for the experience.  One of the amazing sights that we saw was Mt. Shasta which is what you see now on my slide.  It was a truly majestic creation of the Lord.

Just like this mountain, the creation of God is something that we can easily discover with our five senses.  We can see the mountain clearly, we can touch it, we can even feel it.  However, it´s creator God, is not a being that we can discover with our five senses. God is Spirit.  Therefore, the ordinary scientific methods of discovery don’t seem to work when we’re trying to get to know God. In fact, we could never discover anything about God at all, unless God Himself had made a prior decision to reveal himself to us. 

Our psalm for today, Psalm 19, shows us ways in which God is revealed to us, and then in the end, this Psalm teaches us how we ought to respond to God’s wonderful revelation of Himself.

Let us read from selected verses of Psalm 19.


 Some people come to me and ask difficult questions about the Bible.  Let me pose that question to you.  We believe that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father except through Him, right?  And also the Bible says that “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved,” right? So what will happen to those people who die without hearing about Jesus Christ because, say for example, they lived and die in the remote jungles of the Amazon.  Or what about those people who lived and died before Jesus walked on earth?  We know from the Bible that there were people who got saved even prior to the ministry of Christ, people in the Old Testament.

Or let me make it more literal… what if the person is blind, and deaf, or mute? How can he confess with his mouth that Jesus is Lord and how can he hear the message if he is deaf?

Psalm 19 partly answers these questions because God reveals Himself to us in different ways.  Different people encounter Jesus Christ, even in the Old Testament, they just didn´t know it was Him.

I am sure you have heard or have read the story of Helen Keller — the little girl who was blind, deaf, and mute who eventually became a Christian author and political activist.   So how can a girl like Hellen Keller can come to know Jesus Christ?  We know about how Anne Sullivan, a blind teacher,  persisted in teaching her how to communicate by reading in Braille. Anne Sullivan even taught her how to speak by the age of 10. 
Shortly thereafter, Helen Keller was introduced to a Christian preacher from Boston named Phillips Brooks.  They sat knee to knee, and Brooks began to tell Helen, while writing the letters on her hand, the story of Jesus. Suddenly, Helen jumped up and muttered out, “I knew him. I knew him. I just didn’t know his name!” 
Helen knew Jesus — she knew Jesus was there, but only in the shadows. She just didn´t know His name. Helen Keller later on write:
 “The Bible is the record of man’s efforts to find God and learn how to live in harmony with his laws.” 
The shadows that she knew in that dark and quiet world became clearer through the light of Scripture that was proclaimed to her. 

God has his ways of revealing Himself to people. The Apostle Paul wrote to the Romans:

So we have no excuse not to know God.  We have no excuse not to believe that He exists.  All we need to do is to look around us and we can clearly see the work of His hands.  This is what Psalm 19 tries to communicate to each one of us.  The first four verses communicate to us a revelation from God.  It´s called GENERAL REVELATION.  This will be our first lesson:

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech;  night after night they reveal knowledge.  The skies, the heavens, God´s creation around us reveal knowledge.  What kind of knowledge?  It´s knowledge about a majestic Creator.  David said in verse 3 – talking about the skies in the heaven… they have no speech, they use no words Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.

Perhaps David was walking one evening under a clear, starlit sky. There were no street lamps then, remember this was ancient Israel.  Perhaps he was on a hillside and spent hours just looking up at the night sky. The majesty of what he saw brought a sense of awe and wonder at God’s creative power.

I get the chance to go on business trips some times and you probably don´t know that with the frequency of my plane rides, I actually have a bit of a fear of flying. I don´t like the airplane taking off and landing.  I prayed my most sincere prayers probably during these times.  But you know what, once the plane settles at 30,000 feet and I can see the clouds and the sky, I would wonder in amazement how wonderful God´s creation is.  That´s the best part.  It´s as if I am looking at the Master´s painting canvass… and I can see a masterpiece, the work of God´s Hands.

It is so pathetic that some people look for God in the wrong places. They look for God in their religious rituals.  They look for God in other people.  They look for God in their situations.  Little did they know that all they have to do is look around them… look at the sky, the stars, the planets, the mountains, the oceans, the living things around them, the animals and the birds, the hills and the forest.  God certainly reveals Himself to man through the work of His hands, amen?  Have you ever marveled at the creation of God around you?  Even here in Canada, haven´t you been amazed by the beauty of the mountains here in British Columbia?  The pine trees? The quiet lakes?  

We can learn a great deal about people by observing them. I am a very observant person when it comes to someone else´s personality and character.  If we keenly observe people, we can learn whether they are male or female, young or old, rich or poor, old fashioned or up to date. We might even be able to learn something about what they do for a living, or about their religious beliefs. But if we really want to get to know someone, sooner or later we have to talk with them, and listen to what’s on their mind. A person’s words reveal their thoughts in one of the most intimate ways we know.  The Bible says out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.

In the same way we can learn something about God by observing His creation.  God reveals Himself to us through the works of His hands.  But if we want to know more about Him, we certainly should listen to what He has to say about Himself, about His relationship with us, about His plans and we can know these things by reading His Word

The second point I would like you to understand which David clearly spells out in verses 7 to 10 --

The Scripture is God´s Words.  The Bible is a revelation from God.  We get to learn a lot about God through the Bible.  David said ---
The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul.  The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple. The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart.   The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes. The fear of the Lord is pure, enduring forever.  The decrees of the Lord are firm, and all of them are righteous.

Here David called the Scripture in many ways:  the law, the statutes, the precepts, the commands, the decrees and the fear of the Lord.  We know that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.  The fear of the Lord is the true knowledge of God and because of that knowledge, we trust Him well enough to follow His ways.  

The word of God refreshes our soul.  Do not believe the enemy´s lie that the Bible is a compilation of very complicated principles that an average human cannot understand, that you need Theology degree to understand it.  That´s not true.  Having a formal education in Theology would help but remember what David said, the statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple!  

When we read the Bible, and if our hearts are right, the Holy Spirit gives us wisdom and helps us understand what God is trying to say to us.  We don’t need a master´s degree.  All we need is a doctorate degree in humility and we can certainly understand God´s revelation for us.  David said God´s Words “are more precious than gold, they are sweeter than honey from the honeycomb.” 

Third and last point:

In verse 14, David said -- May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

God reveals Himself to us through the works of His hands. Through His creation.  This is His general revelation.  Likewise, God reveals Himself to us through His words, this is His personal revelation.  In the same manner God reveals Himself to us through our worship experience.  Once we start living the way God wants us to live, once we start applying the Scripture in our lives… we can live a life that is pleasing to Him.  David said “may the meditation of my heart be pleasing in God´s sight” … that´s worship.  God will reveal to us, more and more of Himself, as He sanctifies us day by day.  As we get more and more intimate with Him through obedience, we get to know Him more.  It´s like spending more and more time with a friend, we get to know our friend more.  The more we know our friend, the more we trust him.  The more we know about God through our life of worship, the more we can trust Him and the more our faith in Him increases.

Final Thoughts:

Let me end by reading a verse in Psalm 19 that we earlier skipped.  It´s verses 5 and 6 and it´s about the SUN.
It goes like this and I want you to listen closely 
“In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun.  It is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, like a champion rejoicing to run his course. It rises at one end of the heavens and makes its circuit to the other; nothing is deprived of its warmth.”

The sun has a diameter of 1.4 million kilometres, in fact you can fit one million earths inside. It´s core temperature is 15 million degrees Celsius.  The sun keeps all mankind and everything that lives and moves alive. There would be nothing alive on Earth without the sun. It dominates the world, its magnificent, and yet the sun cannot say, “I don’t feel like rising in the east this morning . . . I will just zigzag across the heavens and then take a little rest.” No, the sun obeys its Maker and operates by his laws. God has pitched a tent for the sun, and that tent is the sky, stretching from one horizon to the other.    Some people like the Egyptians even worship the sun.  

It´s very clear that God reveals Himself to us through His creation, and we get to know more about Him through His words and we get to experience God through worship.  But make no mistake about it.  The revelation of God is not merely to keep us amazed, or to keep us informed or to make us feel good.  God´s ultimate goal is to fully reveal Himself to us so that we can be with Him for eternity.  His intention is to turn that revelation into a personal relationship with Him.  God´s revelation is intended for us to worship His Son. 

So if God has revealed Himself to you today, in a personal way, you should not stop there.  He expects you to respond in a way that He expects you to respond.  
Some “smart” people tried to nit-pick the Bible in order to prove that the Bible does not really contain everything.  Well, I agree that the Bible does not contain everything, i.e. every detail of the world we live in.  The Bible does not even contain the INTERNET.  But God assures us, that the Bible contains everything we need in order to know Him and know how to be saved and gain eternal life.  God's concern is that we may not perish but have an eternal life in Him and with Him. 

The Bible says ---

The Bible tells us that if you have Jesus in your life, you will have eternal life in Him.  You will become a citizen of heaven and one day, all things on earth and even the earth itself will pass away.  God will create a new earth and it´s holy city the New Jerusalem.  You know what… this city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp.

Let us pray.

Wherever you are, whatever you situation you may be -- you need the love of Jesus in your life. Please say this prayer sincerely from your heart:  

Father God, I confess all my sins to you today.  Please forgive me.  Today, I open my heart to your Son Jesus Christ.  I accept Him in my life as my Saviour and as my Lord.  May the Holy Spirit come to my life and make me the kind of person you want me to be.  In Jesus Name, I pray.    Amen.

The above article is an excerpt from a sermon delivered at WCCC Richmond during its service on  Sunday, March 19, 2017

I apologise if there are grammatical and spelling errors. 
I also apologise if I have missed acknowledging or making proper references to my sources, if any,  as it is purely unintentional.
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