Thursday 16 November 2017

The Millennial Reign of Christ

In the first chapter of the book of Acts just before Jesus Christ ascended to heaven, the disciples asked him “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?” (Acts 1:6).  The people of Israel who are waiting for the Messiah also longed through the ages for the kingdom that the Messiah will establish here on Earth.  This is one of the reasons why most Jews dismissed the reality that Jesus is the Messiah as He sorts of “fall below their expectations” when He did not set up the kingdom they were expecting, at least not yet.

The title of our message  is The Millennial Reign of Christ.  If you notice this picture I have on the slide, is there something odd?  Something is not quite right on this picture? Can you tell me what it is?  YES!  The lion is hanging out with the lamb.  In reality this lamb cannot hang out for a few seconds with the great lion, this poor lamb will be devoured by this lion.  But this picture is a picture of reality… a reality that is to come. 

Isaiah 11:6 to 8 tells us
6 The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them.
7 The cow will feed with the bear, their young will lie down together,
    and the lion will eat straw like the ox.
8 The infant will play near the cobra’s den, and the young child will put its hand into the viper’s nest. 
9 They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain, for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.

The prophet Isaiah was talking about a time on earth when these things will become a reality… that time is called The Millennial Reign of Christ. 

The song Joy to the World was written by Isaac Watts in 1719 and it became the most popular Christmas Carol of all time. We´re not going to go through the song but what´s interesting is – this song was written in reference to the Second Coming and the Millennial Kingdom. 
This song and Bible verse talk about CHRISTMAS
and The Millennial Reign of Christ!

Scholars agree that the first part of Isaiah 9:6 talks about the birth of Christ, but actually the second part is talking about His Millennial reign.  

Let´s just quickly look at our Eschatological Timeline:

Church age starts from Pentecost until the Rapture.  Then it will be followed by the 7-Year Tribulation simultaneous with events happening in Heaven such as the Bema Judgement. The 2nd coming culminates the Tribulation Period with the Battle of Armageddon and we now move to one of the most interesting event in the end times.  

Let us read from REVELATION 20:1-7

I think the major debate in the study of the Millennial Kingdom is whether it has to be interpreted literally or figuratively.  A good approach to study the Book of Revelation is by applying good Hermeneutics -- which is the science of interpreting Scriptures.  One principle of good Hermeneutics is to interpret the Bible literally or take the plain meaning of the text at face value. When the literal meaning does not make sense, you probably have a figure of speech. For example, Isaiah 55:12 states the trees of the field will clap their hands. Since trees do not have hands to clap this must be a figure of speech. 


What kind of test is there in the Millennium? Who shall be tested? I thought the Millennium is a perfect world, imagine Christ is reigning as King and His adversary is chained in the Abyss.  What could possibly go wrong?  Hopefully we can answer these questions later on.

It is also of prime importance that we first understand the resurrections and how many are there.  

The first resurrection that we need to understand was the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is a very important doctrine in Christianity. All of the four Gospels collaborated on the fact that Christ raised from the dead.  It was cited several times in Acts and repeatedly mentioned in the letters to the churches especially by Peter and Paul.  Paul recorded that over five hundred people saw Him in His resurrection appearances. To convince any judge or jury even during our time today, usually you only need one or two witnesses. Christ´s  resurrection has more than five hundred witnesses. His resurrection is the "first fruit." A first fruit is a guarantee of something big that is to come.  Christ resurrection is the guarantee to every Christian that he will also be resurrected.  The Apostle Paul wrote that “if Christ has not been raised, our faith is futile, those died in Christ are lost, and we, of all people, are most to be pitied.”  To me the most important evidence of resurrection was the changed lives of Jesus´ disciples.  After Jesus died on the cross, they were all hiding in fear, they were hunted like wild animals. But later on, you see them coming out in the open.   Peter boldly preached to a multitude where 3,000 people came to Christ.  The only single event that has happened after Christ died on the cross was His resurrection. I don’t think the early disciples of Christ will die for something that is a hoax or something that is not true.  Praise God for the resurrection of Christ! 

The first great resurrection of believers will occur at the time of the rapture. Those who placed their trust in Jesus during the Church Age, and have died will be resurrected at the Rapture.  The Church Age began on the Day of Pentecost and will end when Christ returns to take believers back to heaven with Him.  We learned during our sermon on the Rapture that not all Christians will die, but all will be changed. Christians who are alive when Rapture happens, and those who have already died, will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air and be with Him always!

Another great resurrection of believers will happen during Christ Second Coming after the Seven Year Tribulation culminated by the Battle of Armageddon.  Millions of people will be left behind after the Rapture and some of them will accept Jesus as their Savior and Lord although it will be very tragic as they will have to pay it with their lives. The believers who will die during Tribulation will be resurrected at Christ´s Second Coming.   Old Testament believers such as Job, Noah, King David and even John the Baptist (who was killed before the Church began) will be resurrected at this time also. 

There may be another resurrection of believers at the end of the Millennium, which is implied as it was not stated in Scripture. There will be believers entering the Millennium in their physical bodies and also there will be people born during the Millennium who will trust Jesus.  Although Isaiah tells us that natural people in the Millennium would last for more than a hundred years old, they are still mortal and may experience physical death.  This resurrection of believers is implied to happen before the Great White Throne judgement.

All these resurrection of believers are called in the Bible the first resurrection.  The second resurrection pertains to unbelievers.

The final resurrection will be for the unbelieving dead of all ages. Jesus Christ will raise them from the dead after the Millennium.  The Apostle John saw a "great white throne" where Jesus will judge all unbelievers.  They will be resurrected, yes, they will possess bodies that can feel pain but will never end,  they will be judged and will be cast into the lake of fire for eternity.
The Millennial Kingdom is clearly discussed in Revelation 20.  The doctrine of the Millennium has generated significant controversy throughout Church history.   Basically 3 major views have been held by various scholars of Scripture.

Premillennialism is a belief on a literal 1,000 years that Christ will reign here on Earth.  I am a premillennialist and so are the rest of the  pastors of WCCC. Premillennialists are sometimes are referred to as chiliasts.  The word “chiliasm” comes from the Greek word “chilioi” meaning “a thousand.”   Premillennialism was the dominant view in the early church.  Among those who held this view are:  Clement, Polycarp, Ignatius, Justin Martyr, Chuck Swindoll, John MacArthur, David Jeremiah, John Walvoord, Billy Graham and Charles Stanley.

A-millennialism means no millennium.  In fairness to a-millennialists, they believe in millennium but it´s not a literal millennium.  Instead, they believe that Christ is now sitting on the throne of David and that this present church age is the kingdom over which Christ reigns.  This view has been held by Origen, Augustine, Wycliffe, Luther, Calvin and a few modern era preachers like R.C. Sproul and Hendriksen.  The Roman Catholic Church also supports this view.  The problem with this view is that the Bible is very explicit on what to expect during the Millennium.  I read a verse to you in Isaiah which describes how the world will be changed, including how wild animals behave among each other.

Post-millennialism is a belief that the Church will usher God´s kingdom into a utopian, Christianized condition here on Earth through successful preaching of the gospel.  

But this is a bit difficult to accept because I don’t think this world is getting better… I think this world is getting worse.  With all these natural disasters and terrorist attacks,  senseless killing in Las Vegas and just a few days ago, that shooting in a church in Texas.  This Earth is not getting better in terms of morality or in terms maturity or peace and order.   The known post-millennialists were: Jonathan Edwards and Charles Wesley.

The next question would be:

During the Second Coming at the Battle of Armageddon, all unbelievers will be annihilated.  Jesus will come down with His angels and those saints (us) who were raptured seven years earlier.  This will be the start of the Millennial reign of Christ. 
Jesus Christ will reign as King
No doubt about this.  If during the first advent, Jesus came as a humble baby in a manger, during the second advent Jesus will return as a conquering King and remember Isaiah 9:6 “the government will be on His shoulders.”    
The Church with glorified bodies who were raptured before Tribulation
The Church who was raptured, this is us, with glorified bodies will have positions of authority here on Earth during the Millennium.  
Those martyred saints during the Tribulation and resurrected during 2nd Coming
These are people who received Jesus during the Tribulation but was martyred and died and will be resurrected during the 2nd coming.  
Old Testament saints resurrected during 2nd Coming
This is an exciting part also.  Old Testament saints will be resurrected and given glorified bodies and they will also be here during the Millennium.  In fact, there are Bible verses that support King David will be the co-regent of Christ here on Earth during the Millennium.  He will be like the second in command but that will be a separate topic by itself.
Believers who remained alive at the end of Tribulation (with physical bodies)
These are the first batch of natural people who will populate the Millennium. 
Those who will be born during the Millennium
Since natural people came to the Millennium, they will still be capable of procreating so there will be people who will be born the natural way during the Millennium.
Angels will also be here during the Millennium.  The apostle Paul tells us in that we will judge the world and angels (1 Corinthians 6:2-3). Pastor John MacArthur explains that to "judge" can also be translated to "govern." So we, the glorified saints, will be governing men on earth and angels from the heavenly realm during the Millennium. 


During the Millennium, the saints will reign under the regency of Christ and He shall rule with an iron rod.
If we go back to the analogy of the Good Shepherd, Jesus will reign here on Earth with His iron rod.  A rod is used not only for discipline but also for protecting His sheep. We shall be under the great care and protection of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. 
Throughout the earth, there will be great love for Jesus, for His wonderful compassion and benevolence.  
There will be swift implementation of justice.  You don’t need a judge and a jury during the Millennium.  Jesus can read the thoughts and the attitudes of the heart.  He can declare instantly if a person is guilty or not. 
God will not remove free will, those with physical bodies will still sin.
Since there will still be people in their natural physical bodies, they will still sin.  
Those born during the Millennium will still have to come in faith to Jesus Christ 
This answers our earlier questions.  Those who will be born during the Millennium will still be in the flesh, God will not remove their freedom to choose whether they will follow Christ or not. 
People from all nations will flock to Jerusalem to worship Jesus Christ and seek counsel.
The Millennium fulfills the numerous prophecy about Israel.  That one day, Israel will be vindicated by God Himself.  People from everywhere will flock to Israel and bow down to Jesus.    

The form of government shall be THEOCRACY as all authority derives from Christ.
It is not a republic but a monarchy in the highest sense
King David reigns as a prince under Christ.
The twelve disciples will be Christ´s representative ruling over the twelve tribes.
The glorified saints will rule over the Gentiles.
The curse upon creation shall be removed.  Animals will lose their venom and ferocity.
There will be fullness of the Spirit
The kingdom will be characterized by truth since the prince of lies, Satan, is bound in the Abyss.
People will live long, i.e. more than 100 years old.
Longevity will be restored like before the flood during Noah´s days.   There will be reproduction by living people.


Imagine this world ruled by Jesus Christ, a world dominated by truth, righteousness and love.  There will be no injustice and administration of justice is swift and fair. 
Imagine a world of truth because the prince of lies is bound. 
Imagine a world of almost perfect health, an environment restored to the pristine purity of the Garden of Eden as the curse upon creation has been removed.  
Imagine a world so peaceful that even the animals are in perfect harmony with each other. “The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead.” (Isaiah 11:6)
Imagine a world ruled by a perfect, glorious Ruler, who instantly and firmly deals with sin. Humanly speaking, that description may seem far-fetched, a utopian fantasy that could never be reality. Yet it accurately describes conditions during the future earthly kingdom of the Lord Jesus.

The Millennial Reign of Christ is a perfect world.  But since there will be natural people with physical bodies, in order for this world to be perfect for them, they must still have their free will. They are not robots. God will never force anyone to love Him back because “forced love” is not love at all, it is a contradiction, it is an oxymoron.   With this freedom, those who will be born during the Millennium still need to turn to Jesus for salvation. This is what we meant when we earlier said that the Millennium is God´s final test to a fallen humanity.  They shall be tested when Satan is released  for  short season after the Millennium.     

I will leave you with this prophecy from the prophet Isaiah:

Wherever you are, whatever you situation you may be -- you need the love of Jesus in your life. Please say this prayer sincerely from your heart:  

Father God, I confess all my sins to you today.  Please forgive me.  Today, I open my heart to your Son Jesus Christ.  I accept Him in my life as my Saviour and as my Lord.  May the Holy Spirit come to my life and make me the kind of person you want me to be.  In Jesus Name, I pray.    Amen.

The above article is an excerpt from a sermon delivered at WCCC Maple Ridge during its Sunday service on  November 12, 2017

1. Revelation of Jesus Christ by John F. Walvoord
2. Bible Study 

I apologise if there are grammatical and spelling errors. I also apologise if I have missed acknowledging or making proper references to my sources, if any,  as it is purely unintentional.
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