Wednesday 7 August 2019

The Traumatic Seven

The Traumatic Seven
A Case Study

Pastor Andoni, the Senior Pastor,  woke up around 7am on a Tuesday morning with a persistent ringing on his cell phone.

[a]  It was the church cleaner reporting to him that there was an attempt to break in into the church office.  The glass window was broken and the back door was force-opened.  Fortunately, nothing was stolen because the next door neighbour heard the noise and called 911.

[b]  Pastor Andoni also read a text message from a long time member of the church, she’s a charming lady in her 40s who wants to meet him urgently because she is again, having a fight (for the Nth  time) with her unbelieving husband.  Pastor Andoni cannot recall the countless times he counselled this couple. 

[c]  As he was preparing to rush going to the church office, he remembers the 30-day men’s devotional that he is spearheading along with the members of Men’s Fellowship.  They normally exchange their thoughts using the You Bible App after reading their scripture for the day.  The whole process usually takes 30 minutes.

[d]  He also received an email message from the Christian Bookstore that the bible study materials he ordered has already arrived and needs to be picked up. He plans to hand over these materials to a Home Group leader who lives near the bookstore.

[e]  In his calendar for the day, he needs to meet or call the Youth Pastor because of a controversial sermon that the Youth Pastor preached during their Youth Service last Friday on the issue of human sexuality.   He received the concern from a youth parent and is expecting a feedback.

[f]   He also needs to meet the Treasurer of the Church Board  on this day to discuss the annual budget.  This budget was being deliberated by the church board for months now.  While this meeting may take around two hours because of all the details, they did not set a specific time to meet.

[g]  He needs to have a haircut as his co-pastors from WIN EMEM has been teasing him as the Kenny Rogers look-alike of Canada.

How you do think Pastor Andoni should make his prioritization based on the basic concepts you learned about the Tyranny of the Urgent? Please discuss with your small group.

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