Monday 19 January 2015

Eye of A Needle

Read from Mark 10:17-31.
·   This story was told by our Lord Jesus Christ and it appeared in the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew 19:16-30;  Luke 18:18-29;  Mark 10:17-31)
·   If the story was accounted for by three Gospel writers, it must be very important. 
·   It is a true story...  not a parable.  Sometimes we got used to the parables of Jesus Christ and we tend to assume that everything He said was in parables.  But actually that is not the case-in-point in our story today.
·   Once again, Jesus uses another figure of speech here in verse 25.  It’s a metaphor when He mentioned the EYE OF A NEEDLE.
·   The Bible says that the man was a Rich Young Ruler.  We learned from Mark that the man was rich.  From Matthew, we learned that he was young and from Luke we learned that he was a ruler.   Thus, we described this man as a rich, young ruler.

Our story opens with a man running towards Jesus.  When I read this line, I remember the story of the Prodigal Son.  Remember how the father ran towards the prodigal son when he came back?  Running towards someone is not a common practice especially falling on someone else’s knees...especially with rich people.  This type of behavior indicates a sense of desperation and even humility on the part of this man. Sometimes, out of desperation, people tend to do the crazy things.  Zaccheus, the chief tax collector did not only run so he can get near Jesus Christ.  He even climbed up the sycamore fig tree.   He did that just to be able to get near to Christ.
How about the four faithful friends who needed to dig up a hole from the roof of the house where Jesus was teaching so they can lower their friends who was sick... just to get near to Christ.
Peter even walked on water just to get closer to Christ but of course because of his little faith, he started to sink.  People do crazy things when they are desperate. We always hear the saying “desperate times require desperate measures.”  How about you?  Have you done crazy things because you are so passionate to pursue something or someone?   
The Rich Young Ruler does not know Jesus for who He truly was.  He called Jesus “Good Teacher” but we know that Jesus is more than just being a good teacher...    In verse 21, it tells us that the man is aware that he lacks something.   He is a good man, make no mistake about it. He said he has kept the commandments since he was young boy.      

 In verse 21, it says there that Jesus loved him and the most shocking twist of all, in verse 22... the young man went away sad.

 If you read the Bible you will learn that a lot of people came to Christ and they went away feeling differently.  Of course, majority went away glad because they were healed, physically and most especially spiritually.  Some went away mad,  you know like the Pharisees and the religious people because Jesus oftentimes rebuke them.  Some people came to Jesus and turned their backs on him, like this rich young ruler, they went away sad.  When you come to Christ, depends on the condition of your hearts, you can either go away mad or sad or you can go away glad.  In your case, what could it be?

The rich, young ruler was lacking the true Lordship of Jesus in his heart.  A lot of people seem to have everything but they know, in their hearts, that they have this deepest longing for something.    They just don’t realize they need Jesus to fill up that vacuum.  How many people have died miserably?  Yes, they may be rich and powerful but those things like wealth and power -- they cannot bring them into their deathbed.   



The young man, like most of us, believes that we can earn our way to heaven.  He said he has kept the commandments since he was a boy.   God is holy.  He is blameless and perfect.  And every good and perfect gift comes from Him.  But there is no way our “goodness” can impress Him because God is the ultimate source of goodness.  You know how our good works are compared with God’s standard?  Do you know how God looks at our good works alone? Isaiah 64:6 says “...and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags...
Verse 27 is probably the most important verse in this passage.  Jesus looked at them and said “with man this is impossible but not with God; all things a possible with God.”   Through Christ, it is
now possible for any man to receive
the gift of eternal life. 
The rich, young ruler went away sad but
you don’t have to!  

Wherever you are, whatever you situation you may be -- you need the love of Jesus in your life.  Please say this prayer sincerely from your heart:  
Father God, I confess all my sins to you today.  Please forgive me.  Today, I open my heart to your Son Jesus Christ.  I accept Him in my life as my Savior and as my Lord.  May the Holy Spirit come to my life and make me the kind of person you want me to be.  In Jesus Name, I pray.  Amen.

(The above article is an excerpt from a sermon delivered at WCF Richmond on  October 19, 2014)
(I apologize if there are grammatical and spelling errors.  
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